Monitor Introduction ==================== There is a set of eleven transactions is used to update monitor information. * Type MA - Basic Monitor Information, * Type MB - Monitor Sampling Periods, * Type MC - Monitor Type, * Type MD - Monitor Agency Role, * Type ME - Monitoring Objective, * Type MF - Monitor Sampling Schedule, * Type MG - Monitor Street Description, * Type MH - Monitor Obstruction, * Type MI - Monitor Regulatory Compliance, * Type MJ - Monitor Collocations (for QA), * Type MM - Monitor Method, * Type MN - Monitor Network Affiliation, * Type MO - Primary Monitor Period (for NAAQS), * Type MP - Monitor Channel, * Type MX - Monitor NAAQS Exclusion Note: The MK (Monitor Protocol) transaction has been deprecated and is no longer used. Monitor Transactions - Data Completeness ---------------------------------------- To insert a new monitor, either its parent site must already exist in the database, or transactions for the parent site must be in the same file as the monitor transactions and processed at the same time. To create a new monitor: * Transaction Types MA, MB, MC, MD, and ME are always required; * Type MF is required for FRM or FEM PM10 (81102) and PM2.5 (88101) monitors; * Type MF with a monthly schedule is required for random or seasonal frequencies; * Type MI is required for criteria pollutant monitors; * Type MH is required for monitors with Unrestricted Air Flow Indicator of "N" or "W". An incomplete monitor will be set to "F" status. Once all required values are entered for a monitor it will be changed to "P" status. ("F" status monitors can only be created through batch loading of data. The Maintain monitor form will not allow a save of data until all required values are entered.) Once a monitor is at "P" status, its information cannot be updated such that the completeness rules are violated. Business Rules for Creating a Monitor: #. A parent site must exist in the database before a monitor can be created. #. A production monitor must have at least one sample period. #. A production monitor must have monitor type assignments that cover all sample periods. #. A production monitor must have reporting organization periods that cover all sample periods. #. A production monitor must have PQAO periods that cover all portions of sample periods since 2007-01-01. #. A production monitor must have at least one monitor objective. #. A production PM2.5 monitor with seasonal required collection frequency periods must have twelve monthly schedules for those periods and a non-PM2.5 production monitor with random or Seasonal required collection frequency periods must have at least one monthly schedule for those periods. #. A production monitor with an Unrestricted Air Flow Indicator of "N" or "W" requires at least one probe obstruction. #. Method records are required to cover all days of operation for a monitor. #. A production monitor for certain parameters must have required collection frequency periods that cover all portions of sample periods since 1987-07-01. Those parameters are: * PM10 Total 0-1um STP (81102); * PM2.5 - Local Conditions (88101); * Lead TSP LC FRM/FEM (14129); * Lead PM10 LC FRM/FEM (85129).